Saturday, January 23, 2010

Week 1

So i've been in london for a little over a week now and so far have loved it! originally i had no intention to write a blog but after a week in which i probably sent out 2 dozen emails to various friends and family, I decided in order to save myself time I would write a blog so here we go...
i am living with 5 other guys. our flat has three rooms along with a kitchen and common area. i would describe the flats as modern beat to hell. its essentially straight out of a ikea catalogue and you can definitely tell that a bunch of college kids live here. but all and all i am thrilled with the flat situation. my roommates are all great and they are definitely nicer than any notre dame dorm. i've had one full week of classes and here's what i'm taking:
Images of Britain through art: this class is a requirement for all students here. it only meets 6 times for an hour each. since i've only had the class once i'm not sure what to expect. it could be good but hey even if its not i only have it 5 more times!
Britain in Portrait: initially i was hesitant about this class. all i knew was that it was about portrait art and more importantly it did not meet on friday like most of the art courses! but after one class i changed my tune. the professor talked for under half the class and then took us to the national galley!! it was pretty amazing looking at these paintings with an actual art historian explaining them!
Global History: this class meets very early 9:15 on tuesdays and thursdays and originally i was going to drop it for that reason but after having two classes i definitely will not be dropping it. apparently the professor is renowned amongst history majors at nd (my friend Pete who is a history major actually recommended the class to me).
Philosophy of law: this is one class i actually think i will enjoy. the first class the teacher talked about natural law vs. positivism and seeing as i have been taught by arguably the most famous Thomistic philosopher the last year (Prof. MacIntyre) i had a very good grasp on what the teacher was talking about. i think my theology classes will definitely come in handy because as most if not all of you know i tend to take philosophical theos at nd.
Ethnic Conflict Resolution in Ireland and Northern Ireland: when i signed up for this class i had high hopes. i figured it would be a good chance to make use of both my theology major (understanding the tension between the Protestants and Catholics) and my political science major. After two classes i'm not as thrilled. the professor seems like a good guy but the lectures can get fairly dry.
Government in Britain: I thought this would be the weaker of the two polisci courses i'm taking here but boy was i wrong. the teacher is hilarious!! and a republican (in the democratic republic sense not party) so for part of the class he just ripped on how a monarch is stupid which was pretty funny seeing as he is british!
since i am in the land of Shakespeare I am going to take his advice when he said "brevity is the soul of wit" and end my first blog post here but be ready for future installments.

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